Criminal defense attorney Gary Wenkle Smith offers clients knowledgeable and experienced counsel. For thirty-six years, he has defended hundreds of clients against accusations of serious crimes, including murder, arson, rape, robbery, and burglary. Gary Wenkle Smith promises clients the right criminal defense with:

  • Legal protection of all rights
  • Fair consideration of their case
  • Sophisticated representation in and out of Court

Gary Wenkle Smith relentlessly pursues trial preparation, or, if theirs is a case that should be resolved without trial, he will seek reduced sentences for serious crimes and help men and women in San Bernardino avoid jail time for crimes that typically carry guaranteed prison sentences and often life.

Gary Wenkle Smith: Trusted Criminal Defense Attorney

Gary Wenkle Smith knows that nobody is without flaws. One bad choice can lead to another until one day a person winds up accused of a serious crime. Mr. Smith views all of his clients as human beings with serious criminal problems in their lives. As a criminal defense attorney, he does not judge clients. Instead, he sees them as decent, intelligent people, who know the value of human life, respect others, and care about their family and friends. He treats his clients the way he would like to be treated. Attorney Gary Wenkle Smith does not judge his clients for their mistakes. He does everything in his power to understand your case and protect you to the best of his ability.

Working on Your Criminal Defense

Defending against serious accusations comes down to a few key strategies. The top one is a thorough review of the case and its evidence. The right attorney understands that your case has:

  • Many different viewpoints.
  • Assumptions that must be questioned.
  • Useful evidence in your favor.

Gary Wenkle Smith champions the idea of “innocent until proven guilty.” One of the reasons for his success is that his San Bernardino clients trust him and are willing to provide any information necessary, including an open discussion about what they are accused of and their account of events. Mr. Smith establishes trust with clients that allows them to share confidential information that he can use to help their defense. Once he reviews information about their cases, he can give valuable advice on how to best present their stories for trial.

High Quality Defense Attorney for San Bernardino Clients

Not every client is a fit for Mr. Smith’s services. Typically, the people who hire Mr. Smith have the resources to afford a high quality, experienced, and effective defense attorney. These clients also have a case that can be defended to a reasonable extent. If you are uncertain whether you meet these criteria, speak to Mr. Smith first. He works with individuals and their families to identify what is possible in their situations and determine if he can meet their needs. If he cannot help, he will gladly assist you in finding other counsel. In many cases, he is able to minimize the sentence a client receives when the outcome appears doubtful. His legal strategies can give you the defense you need to avoid a more serious sentence. For more information about how San Bernardino criminal defense attorney Gary Wenkle Smith can help you, contact his office at 909-546-4214.