When choosing a defense lawyer, San Bernardino clients often focus on the individual lawyer or law firm representing them. They lose sight of how experts can help. Gary Wenkle Smith combines knowledgeable experience and partnerships with experts in the field to build the strongest case possible. Gary Wenkle Smith defends San Bernardino clients using over thirty-six years of knowledge as a criminal defense lawyer. His work has guided people through their most difficult legal battles, and his advice and support has helped them make the right choices from the preliminary stages of their defense through all of their courtroom appearances.

Developing the Right Criminal Defense from the Start

Clients who choose Mr. Smith also get the support of a team of professionals. This team approach helps:

  • Gather information during the pre-trial investigation phase.
  • Explain evidence submitted by the prosecution.
  • Counter the law enforcement team working for the prosecution.
  • Seek alternative explanations for evidence.

To provide a more balanced approach, Gary Wenkle Smith works with a private investigator. The investigator helps find and examine evidence that supports the defense case. With Mr. Smith as their criminal defense lawyer, San Bernardino clients can build a stronger case for trial, or possibly get the case dismissed.

How Private Investigators Help Your Criminal Defense

After Mr. Smith has begun representing a client, he will spend time learning as much as possible about the alleged crimes of which the client is accused. He works closely with his private investigator to gain deeper insight into all aspects of the alleged crime(s). The investigator Mr. Smith uses is well-established as a proven and reliable investigator, with 35-years of experience. His work may include:

  • Going on-site to review the scene of the alleged incident.
  • Reviewing police reports for potential errors and omissions, or other witnesses or facts that may change the view of the case.
  • Speaking with potential witnesses.

When his investigator conducts this sort of research, he is often able to discover information that is completely different from what the prosecution claims to have occurred. The investigators conversations with witnesses can reveal conflicting statements, motivations to lie, or other details that strengthen the defense.

Gary Wenkle Smith’s Approach as Your Criminal Lawyer

In one case, Mr. Smith became the criminal defense lawyer for a man who was facing accusations of triple murder. Mr. Smith’s private investigator reviewed all of the evidence, including audio-recorded statements from witnesses and typed police reports of these statements. This was an important step that the client’s previous lawyer missed. Gary Wenkle Smith’s team uncovered a serious mistake: the recorded statements with the eye witness and his investigator, and prior statement of that witness to law enforcement were inconsistent. During trial, this witness was “impeached.” Gary Wenkle Smith’s team uncovered the truth. Their client was acquitted on all counts. If you need a San Bernardino criminal defense lawyer to represent you, contact the office of Gary Wenkle Smith at 909-546-4214.